Frieda Dixon

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Writing
Location Acworth, GA, United States
Introduction I’ve lived a life of second chances. I left upstate New York in the 60’s to begin a new life in Georgia. Ten years of widowhood after losing my first husband taught me to depend on the gift of God's grace. I struggled with liver disease and thought my life was over, but God had other plans. A second marriage to a young-at-heart man who supported me through a successful liver transplant, gave me a second chance at life. Now my role is wife, mother, grandmother, and office manager for our aerospace company. I love to be with people, but cherish quiet times to reflect. My transplant made me realize the brevity of life and a determination to make the most of the years God is giving me. My lifelong desire to write inspirational articles and books is closer to reality. I participate in two writers’ groups where I receive motivation and support. My husband, Charles, and I are recharging our retirement years – he as an inventor and engineering consultant and me as a writer. In addition to our work, we love to travel, dance, and go on mission trips. I hope this blog will inspire you to “bloom where you are planted.”
Interests writing, antiquing, aquatics, reading, being a grandmother
Favorite Movies Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, Out of Africa, The Help
Favorite Music Anything by the BeeGees, Josh Groban, Michael Buble`
Favorite Books The Bible, Lighthouse by Eugenia Price, Chesapeke by James Michner, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

If mud is dirt plus water, what is clay?

Impossible to plant in, but good for crockery