Kaese Klan

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Slave
Location New Jersey, United States
Introduction I'm a married slave living the sweet life in New Jersey (such as it is). We've got a little house down by the Delaware River. The "we" being me, my pocket Ferengei, our 7 kitties (who own us), and our one 8 year old guinea pig (who ignores us). [Who needs kids?]
Interests I like to relax after a hard days slaving by playing with our kitties, being ignored by our Guinea Pig, reading books (comics and novels), and watching the "Box" that sucks my life away (either TV or internet).
Favorite Movies While You Were Sleeping, The Princess Bride, Persuasion, Pride & Prejudice (most of the versions of it, not all), and many, many, many more (450 DVD's and counting).
Favorite Music Anything that catches my interest, Right now this includes: Weird Al Yankovic, Barenaked Ladies, Pink Floyd, Blink 182, Angels And Airwaves, There are more but they're not coming to my mind right now.
Favorite Books Anything by Terry Pratchett, Steven King ("Uncle Stevie")and comic books, [Yes, I am a comic book geekette.] There are more but they're also not coming to my mind right now.

How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?
