The Life I Know

My blogs

About me

Introduction About me..hum... I guess what is more important is why I am keeping this blog. It is the sequel to my first. (Read my first entry and you will know why.) I am a Christian, a (pastor's) wife, a friend, a medic, a career changer, a lover of most things written and played, an emotional wreck and a rock when I need to be. I am human...and going through the worst 19 months (and counting) of my life. I am changing as a person as my life drags me along by the ankles. I am enjoying getting to know who it is I am becoming. I have been waiting a long time to finally become her. Has it been worth the wait? Yes. Has it been worth the last year? No. You can hold on to memories but they don't do a dang bit of good when it comes to anchoring a tanker in rough seas. Just keep going and try not to think too much. Oh yeah...and PLEASE don't take yourself too seriously.