
About me

Gender Female
Location California, United States
Introduction Who I am is not as important as Who I know. I am someone who, having experienced an unexpected trial of life, found strength through my faith in Christ, the support of family and friends and the understanding that I am not alone. I also believe there is wisdom to be gained from every experience of life. Although my story relates to a certain issue in my life, your story will be different because...well, because you are you. We are each unique. Our similarity is that we all, being human, experience difficult places along our path of life yet we each see them from our own perspective. If my "story" is important to you please feel free to read the abbreviated version in My Pages. The endeavor here is to be encouraging. It's not about my "story" - it's about the victory awaiting each of us when overcoming our trials, and the wisdom we've gained through the process. Also under My Pages is a story I've written as a symbolic depiction of my experience. A story of victory I call Demon Battle. I hope it is enlightening. I will also be sharing devotionals and short stories I have written. All with the intent to encourage.