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Introduction One, known as Steven, Æ spiritual Living Being enjoying the "Earth school" experience. One lives "life in this realm" intentionally ~ loving, honoring and respecting all Universal beings as One ♥ ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Some of keys to this journey are outlined in the article: TrueF̷r̷e̷e̷d̷o̷m̷ ▼▲ Remember, comprehension of words is vitally important, since they're symbols of energy. ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ One of my fave quotes: "I am neither an eastern man nor a western man. I don't belong to any country, to any nation, to any religion. Because if you belong to any country, you cannot belong to all. And if you belong to any religion, all religions cannot be yours. I don't belong to any. I have no roots in any country, in any religion, in any partial humanity" ~ Osho