Brooks Cruz

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Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Occupation Love and Relationship Expert
Location Washington, D.C., United States
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Introduction Has your marriage gotten so bad that you thinking of divorce? Are you considering seeing a marriage counselor because your situation has gotten so bad? How do you know which kind of counselor to even go to?
Interests If you really desire to stop divorce and save your marriage, you must put your spouse first in everything you do. You must rank your spouse higher than any other person on this earth. To achieve this we all need the right relationship help to focus on where we are getting things wrong. And start doing things right. I like to do some jobs around the house by myself. One day I disassembled our heavy ping-pong table and strained as I carried it to the basement piece by piece. I was sore for a while after hauling the sections down the steps. Sometimes, though, I need to ask for help. There is no way I'm climbing on the roof to retrieve a stranded toy without someone holding the ladder. And some jobs I simply cannot do without the know-how of my wife. To succeed in our marriage and save our marriage from divorce or a break up, we all need help. Most times, we cannot save our marriage by ourselves. We need the help of others to give us guidance, strength and instruction. Who do you meet for help on how to save your marriage or how to stop your divorce? Hope, you will not meet that waitress or your friend who is cheating on his wife for help? I you want to save your marriage, stop trying to win arguments with your logic, and start trying to win the marriage. We all need help the right help to save our marriage. Whoever you decide to meet today for help, even if it is your pastor, preacher, minister, mom, dad, marriage counselor or therapist, endeavor to find out if they have a successful marriage or they have a track record of having helped people save their marriages. If they have not, run away. They are not qualified to advise or teach you how to save your marriage.