
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Cat
Location The Woodlands, TX
Introduction I be a 3 month old ginger tom, and I've a very busy life sleepin', chasin' things, and plunderin' wha'ever I can get me paws on! Unfortunately me lass says I be too young t' cap'n me owns ship, so fer now she says I can be th' bo'sun t' hers. I thought I'd rather be first mate, but then she pointed out that Smee be th' bo'sun t' Captain Hook 'n Hook hisself started out as the bo'sun t' Blackbeard, so I gues 'tis a good enough place t' start! I aspire t' be th' most feared feline cap'n on th' high seas, but first I needs t' master th' basics, like gettin' me sea legs so I stop fallin' off thin's that are too high 'n me lass stops snickerin' o'er it. I be fiercely opinionated, especially on th' welfare o' me fellow felines - ye can 'ave me claws off me cold, dead paws! - although I try noy t' fight fer justice too much since 'twould interfere wit' me reputation as a fearsome pirate. I live w' me lass, who says she also be trainin' t' be a pirate, though she says th' kind she wants t' be be actually called an attorney-at-laws. She gives me lots o' attention 'n encourages me t' practice me lootin' 'n pillagin' so someday I can be cap'n!
Interests shiny things, ribbons, door stops, chasing things, plastic bags, scratching furniture, naps, catnip, treasure, plundering, piracy