
My blogs

About me

Introduction I have a passion for Watercolors and it has become a wonderful hobby.
Interests watercolor, reading, walking, gardening, my sweetheart shitzu
Favorite Movies Room With a View, Howards End, Chocolate, Water for choclate, Camile Claudel, Wings of a Dove, Out of Africa, Any Woody Allen, Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, Harold and Maude, The English Patient
Favorite Music Amy Winehouse, Billy Holiday, Old Jazz and bluegrass, Van Morrison, Jackson Browne, Joni Micthell, Tori Amos, Tim Buckley
Favorite Books A prayer for Owen Meany, The Bell Jar, Running with scissors, The Kitchen God's Wife, Ladder of Years, The Beans of Egypt Maine, In Cold Blood, The Secret Life of Bees