Peter Kent

My blogs

About me

Introduction Strangely autologous.
Interests logic, rationalism, artificial intelligence, epistemology, religion, morality, faith, languages, linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, literature, Eurish
Favorite Movies Groundhog Day, High Noon, The Princess Bride, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, Joe Versus the Volcano
Favorite Music Keren Ann (Zeidel), J.S. Bach, Tchaikovsky
Favorite Books Goedel Escher Bach, Finnegans Wake, Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot's version), Pride and Prejudice, The Bible (KJV), Del Sentimiento Tragico de la Vida, works of Shakespeare, works of Dickens, works of Moliere, works of Anthony Burgess, Principia Mathematica (Russell & Whitehead)

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?

When you open your eyes above water, do you ever worry that you'll fall into the sun?