My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location West Des Moines, Iowa
Introduction Birthdate: (o8/22/83)
Nationality: Laos
Married to my wonderful Hubby Nam
Mother to our miracle baby, Kaleb
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
Diagnosed with PCOS, adenoma in my pituitary gland (tumor in my brain) and being AWESOME

TTC baby #2 since 2oo8

Failed IVF, over 10 failed IUIs, and many, many miscarriages until we conceived our miracle baby during our one month of "break"

We will not lose hope on adding at least one more baby to our beautiful family, so you shouldn't either!
Interests cooking, couponing, reading, and spending time with my family
Favorite Movies any of the TMNT movies, 50 First Dates, The Back-Up Plan, Fools Rush In, and almost every Disney Movie
Favorite Music R&B, Rap/Hip Hop (the good stuff from back in the days), 80s, 90s, Country, Reggae
Favorite Books I'm into all sorts of books. If it's really great then I usually finish it within the same day