Darrin, the Mom and Jon

My blogs

About me

Location Nevada, Missouri
Introduction Mere and I are just a recently married couple who are trying to raise her son and make it through one end of life to the other while trying to make as many people as possible happy, and simultaneously trying to hurt as few as possible. It's a tall order!
Interests All in all...cooking, antiques, decorating, racing, art, football, sports, reading, philosophy, psychology, history, and just enjoying nature.
Favorite Movies Rearwindow, To Kill a Mockingbird, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Face, Far and Away, Serendipity, Pursuit of Happiness, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte...it'd be easier to ask what are our LEAST favorite movies.
Favorite Music As above, it's easier to say our LEAST favorite as we like all types of music but the least of all is hip hop. ESPECIALLY Kanye West.
Favorite Books Let's see...the Bible would rate really high. But we also like books from Og Mandino, the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the biography of Sir Winston Churchill, Where the Red Fern Grows, the BOOK The Bridges of Madison County, and The Other Side of Midnight.