Stefanie R. Maclin-Hurd

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Museums or Libraries
Occupation Technical Librarian at Oil and Gas Company
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Introduction Name: Stefanie Maclin-Hurd

Interests: Art Librarianship and Documentation, digitalization, rare books, and photography preservation. WW2 History.

Job/Location: Corporate Librarian/Archivist. Fifteen years spent in Boston. Newly moved to Pittsburgh.

Published writer/poet, with several poems, and the occasional short story, scattered across the internets and dead-tree formats.

Education: MLIS/Archives track, Simmons College '10. Certificate in Digital Services and Emerging Technologies, SJSU '15.

Want to follw me on social media?
Twitter: srmaclin
Instagram: srmaclin

Want to see what else I am writing? Fiction, poetry, or otherwise?
Patreon: srmaclin