Ornery oldBuck

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Devils canyon/ Paradise Cove, Bouvet Island
Introduction As one friend so elegantly put it. “oldBuck is No angel” That I do not deny. I have a lifetime full of experiences ,having battles with the IRS, leading to a passage in the 1998 tax reform act that stop the IRS from sieging the family home , being Instrumental in getting 400 truck drivers’ union back pay, on average of $4000.00 each, I won a jury verdict as a belligerent claimant in person, have had articles published in Barristers school of Common law newspaper “The Alert”’ and “Teamster for a Democrat Union”. In 2007 I spent 45 days on the property of Ed and Elaine Brown during their Tax standoff. I had the only Internet connection. The IRS hijacked ,my Space page (two straws at my Space) I’m as opinionated as one can get, you show me I’m wrong and I may just chalk it up as we all have been subject of the “public school system.” A member of the staff of Senator John Kerry office in 1993 told me I’m a chameleon. (My family once supported John Kerry unknown to us he was a Yale Bones man). I’m, an American in the spirit of our founders. I’m also the father of five children three of whom are just now beginning a full understanding of the teachings I gave them as a children
Interests The Law Fascinates Me. I love to stir the pot. Avoiding "OVERT ACTS" pisses them off - READ ALL MY BLOGS AND GET EDUCATED
Favorite Movies Enemy of the state, V-5th of November, They Live, Pretty Women, Crash, My all time favorite is "One Flew Over The Kook Kook's Nest"
Favorite Music Bob serger, CCR, Eagles, Grand Funk, Jeffersons Airplane, Byrds, Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Hank williams jr., Jim Croce, NickelBack, and my all time Favorite I did it "MY WAY" by old blues Himself Frank Sinarta. I Like Blues jazzs, some soul, old time rock I don't like Rap, or most hip hop, Im an old man give me a break they talk too fast.
Favorite Books Miracle on main street, Rulers of Evil, by, Tupper Saussy, Americas' secret Establishment, by Anthony Sutton, Underground Lawyer, How to survive the IRS, By, Michael Louis Minns