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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Writer
Location Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Introduction Writing is a passion with me and one that I have put off for many years raising a family and working for a living. Now that my children are on their own my energies are directed at writing with my friend Liz Lindsay. Our lives parallel each other in the fact that we both have three children,I have five grandchildren and Liz has six. We are even told we look alike. But there the similarity ends. Liz is a techi and an analytical thinker.A perfectionist and accurate in everything she does,Liz is a pleasure to work with. I am none of these things,yet we compliment each other in our writing and our working relationship. These past seven and a half years of collaborating have given me a great deal of pleasure and now that The Silk Shroud has been contracted by Black Opal Books we both are anxious to see the book published. "I am, if nothing else,a positive thinker. Pam
Interests Writing, reading, knitting and spending time with my Grandchildren
Favorite Movies Dr Zhivago, Out of Africa
Favorite Music Eagles, James Taylor, Celine Dion, Lionel Ritchie, Bonnie Raite, Tina Turner
Favorite Books Bird Song by Sebastion Faulkes, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, Anything by Peter Robinson and Louise Penny.