
My blogs

About me

Introduction Welcome to Coco's Blog.. Gardening is part of my life, some of my earliest memories. As a child my Mom worked, way ahead of her time, her generation of working women opened the door for us. Thus I was taken care of by my Grandmother during the day. Priceless. Mae aka Granny was always in the gardens, so was her little helper. Fast forward a couple of decades oh 5 to be exact, we have 2 greenhouses and numerous aquariums. Our greenhouses include a Plumeria and Brugmansia house with a scattering of various tropicals. I hope you enjoy this blog. We will dwell into greenhouse construction, aquarium layout and design as well as various tropical endeavors. Want to know more about Coco?? Coco is a parrot that arrived in my life almost a decade ago. Late on one Friday afternoon, about the size of a quarter. One foot missing and a collapsed stomach gangrene had set in. She lived in a portable incubator for about six months. Born with limitations yes. Did she know it, no. Coco went on to have a mate and children. Knew no limitations. One morning I awoke Coco had passed on. My online life is named after Coco.