Jeff Lindsay

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Occupation Intellectual Asset Strategist
Location Appeton, WI, United States
Introduction I'm the lead author of Conquering Innovation Fatigue (with Cheryl Perkins and Mukund Karanjikar), a John Wiley & Sons book on innovation strategy, intellectual asset strategy, and the personal journey of innovators.

At Innovationedge in Neenah, Wisconsin, I'm Director of Solution Development where I help companies with intellectual asset strategy, new product development, and innovation. Formerly was Corporate Patent Strategist at Kimberly-Clark Corp. and Associate Professor at the Institute of Paper Science and Technology on the Georgia Tech Campus. I'm a registered US patent agent and active inventor myself.

Also see, the blog for the book.

Follow me on Twitter (jefflindsay).

See my profile at LinkedIn.
Interests Disruptive innovation, new product development, ideation, business model development, business method patents, security technology, RFID, patent law, science.
Favorite Movies Patent Wars, Return of the Trolls, Wisconsin Jones and the PTO of Doom, Raiders of the Lost IP Estate
Favorite Music The wailing of shut-down counterfeiters.
Favorite Books Open Business Models by Henry Chesbrough, The Future of Knowledge by Verna Allee, Brothers Karamazov, The Bible, The Book of Mormon