Eric Dondero

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Maritime
Occupation Libertarian Republican Political Consultant
Location Metro-Houston, Texas, United States
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Introduction US Navy (hon.) & FSU Graduate. Traveled to all 50 states and over 30 countries worldwide on 5 continents. Cert. Interpreter for Spanish. Also, fluent in Italian, French & Portuguese. Author - "Worldwide Multilingual Phrase Book" and "Vacation Spanish." Politics: Founder, Republican Liberty Caucus, fmr. Libertarian Party National Committeeman, Travel Aide Ron Paul, Libertarian for President 1987/88, Senior Aide to US Congressman Ron Paul 1997-2003, Co-Founder of "Libertarians for Bush" in 2004; and Co-Founder of "Draft Sarah Palin for VP" in 2008. Current - Petition Consultant for Property Rights and other free market initiatives.
Interests Current events, Foreign travel, Foreign languages, Tropical landscaping.
Favorite Movies Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, Sound of Music, South Pacific, Schindler's List, and Master & Commander.
Favorite Music Tropical eclectic, Buffet, Salsa & Merengue. Sirius Radio!
Favorite Books Evolutionary Science: Leakey, Jane Goodall, Don Johanson, Robert Wright. Economics: Milton Friedman, Hayek & Hazlitt. Non-fiction: Ayn Rand, Dickens, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.