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About me

Introduction This blog exists because I was appalled at the headlong rush to war in Iraq and the dissembling orchestrated by the Bush administration to roll the tragedies of 9/11 beyond Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Al Queada and the Taliban to embroil Iraq and Sadam Hussein and turn the war on terror into a seething stew of lies, half-truths, innuendo, and paranoia. My faith in the American electorate was dashed by the outcome of the 2004 elections. I was horrified by the administration's response to Katrina. I was dumbfounded by policies that led to the torture, maiming, and murder of prisoners in our custody. I am disgusted by the greed, stupidity, and lack of vision apparent to me in the administration's every initiative (e.g. welfare reform, prescription drug support, education, minimum wage, abortion rights, church and state, trampling on civil liberties, etc., etc, etc.). Now I think the current administration cannot be trusted to follow through on anything without creating further disasters in their wake. So, I am moved to protest.