Joshua - Melissa - Mason - Averie

About me

Location Provo, UT, United States
Introduction Guess that life has changed QUITE a bit since I started this thing and so just an update...we are still working on our house in Provo and I swear that if it burned down and we HAD to rebuild, it would actually be finished faster! But... we did get the basement all ready for paint and flooring and framed in the entire garage to add an extra bedroom and a laundry in the basement, YEA! Joshua is still in framing and will be until his body will frame no more and I now have my own classroom and teach one of the two Autism preschool classrooms for Alpine School District (clear out in Saratoga Springs)! Mason goes to preschool in Orem and has an imaginary friend named "Jimmy" who he often talks about (so weird don't ask)! Averie is now 6 months and is the smiliest baby I have ever been around and she and Mason have the best relationship ever because Averie laughs at all his efforts to be funny and so they just entertain one another! So that is us, busy as EVER but so glad to be working and in our house :)