Conversation in Albion

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About me

Gender Female
Location Italy
Favorite Movies Jules et Jim, Marie Antoinette, Virgin Suicides, Goodbye!Lenin, Sin City, Fahrenheit 451, Jeux d'Enfants, Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amèlie Poulain, Persepolis, I'm Not There, Fraulein Else, Little Miss Sunshine, Stranger Than Fiction, Alice In Wonderland.
Favorite Music Just some of the music I listen to: Fabrizio De André, Death Cab For Cutie, Casador, Libertines, Radio Dept., Bonnie Prince Billy, Camera Obscura, Charlotte Gainsbourg, François Hardy, Marlene Kuntz, Arab Strap, Amor Fou (check my music here:
Favorite Books Among the many ones: Crime & Punishment (and everything by Dostoevskij), 1984, Virgin Suicides, Middlesex, War and Peace, The Death of Ivan Il'ic, Werther, Dorian Gray, Jules et Jim (check my library on: