Samantha Egley

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Author/Homemaker
Location Twin Falls, Idaho, United States
Introduction I am Sam. Not Samantha or Sami, Sam. I am married to a wonderful husband, Ben, and have 2 beautiful sons named Alex and Max. I have a bachelors degree in English from Idaho State University.
Interests Anything I feel like. Scrapbooking, crochet, sewing, drawing, painting, child care, cleaning, reading, creative writing.
Favorite Movies Yay for superhero movies! Spider-man, Batman, Avengers, X-men, Iron Man, Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Exc. Also, Sky High which is this silly Disney movie that makes me laugh every time I see it. I am also in love with Disney movies.
Favorite Music Whatever. Pop I guess, if you can call it music. Jazz is fun. And classical. Like I said, whatever.
Favorite Books A TON! Where do I even start? The Harry Potter series, The Wheel of Time series (which I haven't finished), Jane Eyre, Dracula, The Princess Bride, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Barsoom series(which I also haven't finished). Mostly fantasy, sci-fi and gothic literature are my favorites. But I'll try anything.