
My blogs

About me

Introduction Skinny, dorky, introverted, hideously self-righteous white kid who likes film.
Interests Film, writing, photography, indie music connoisseurship, discovering more about myself, the miracle that is Netflix, how the Phils are doing, European culture, Iceland, Apple products (the computer and the fruit), the degeneration of fine storytelling in American pop culture, and the respective minds of David Lynch, Woody Allen, and John Malkovich.
Favorite Movies There Will Be Blood, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Requiem for a Dream, Mulholland Drive, 25th Hour, 21 Grams, Traffic, Magnolia, Waltz With Bashir, Elephant, Half Nelson, Lost in Translation, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pan's Labyrinth, Fight Club, Synecdoche, New York, Where the Wild Things Are, The Squid and the Whale, Pi: Faith in Chaos, Michael Clayton, Atonement, An Education, Milk, All The President's Men, Network, Zodiac, The Lives of Others, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The Bourne Trilogy, Good Will Hunting, Che, Rachel Getting Married, Memento, The Constant Gardener, Gone Baby Gone, Into the Wild, Sunshine, Moon, Little Miss Sunshine, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Slumdog Millionaire, (500) Days of Summer, Once, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Punch-Drunk Love, Good Night, and Good Luck, Ocean's Eleven / Thirteen, Thank You For Smoking, Amelie, Children of Men, Pulp Fiction, etc. - STANLEY KUBRICK ANNEX - 2001: A Space Odyssey Full Metal Jacket Dr. Strangelove The Shining - WOODY ALLEN ANNEX - Manhattan Crimes and Misdemeanors Annie Hall Sleeper - WES ANDERSON ANNEX - Rushmore Fantastic Mr. Fox The Royal Tenenbaums The Darjeeling Limited Bottle Rocket The Life Aquatic - COEN BROTHERS ANNEX - No Country For Old Men A Serious Man Fargo Barton Fink The Big Lebowski O Brother, Where Art Thou? Blood Simple Burn After Reading
Favorite Music Sigur Ròs, Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, U2, Moby, Bon Iver, The National, Spoon, Oasis, Elliott Smith, My Bloody Valentine, TV On The Radio, Massive Attack, Broken Social Scene, Death Cab For Cutie, The Postal Service, Interpol, Air, The Swell Season, Wilco, Beck, Coldplay, etc.
Favorite Books Blood Meridian, Or The Evening Redness In The West, The Road, Fight Club, Catcher In The Rye, The Border Trilogy (All the Pretty Horses/The Crossing/Cities of the Plain), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The Giver, etc.