
About me

Gender Female
Location Alberta, Canada
Introduction I live in Canada, and am a born and bred prairie girl. I am an urbanite, but love the wide open spaces of bald ass prairie - I can breathe here. I am taking the Masterspinner classes through Olds College, and have formally completed the level 1 requirements. I like to knit socks, and I am fascinated with portable spindles of all makes and sizes. I do spin on a wheel as well. I have been writing my blog sheepless in suburbia - diary of an urban shepherd since July 2004.
Interests knitting, spinning, dyeing, weaving, reading, blogging, fibre related road trips, talking, BBC series, historical novels
Favorite Movies Funny Girl, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Pride and Prejudice, Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a Wonderful Life, How the West Was Won, Little Big Man, A Patch of Blue
Favorite Music Bluegrass, Rock n Roll, Classical, Cello, Jazz, R&B Guitar
Favorite Books A fine Balance, The Poisonwood Bible, Margaret Atwood, Wally Lamb, Margaret George, Sweetness In the Belly