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Introduction 台北數位藝術中心以「研發、實驗、創作、育成」數位藝術為設立宗旨,期能匯集數位藝術能量,超越短期利益的核心價值,要讓已經在各個領域積極展現力量的眾多代表性單位,將眼光放在更遠的理想上,展現共同參與的積極意義,創造最實質、豐收的回饋,成為發展數位內容新興產業與文化之基地。 自 2009年起由數位藝術基金會負責營運,基金會組成來自以數位與科技藝術為主題並已深耕多年的代表性單位,包含了學術、產業、美術館經營與藝術創作者等專業人士。期望可以達成跨領域、跨平台、跨地域的結合,共同策劃執行一連串具體之研發、示範與展演計畫,實現數位科技與人文藝術合一的理念。 台北數位藝術中心希望能以超越短期利益的核心價值,要讓已經在各個領域積極展現力量的眾多代表性單位,將眼光放在更遠的理想上,展現共同參與的積極意義,創造最實質、豐收的回饋。 This center’s establishment is based upon the objectives of “R&D, experimentation, creation and incubation”. The intention is to accumulate energy in digital arts, and attain the core value of transcending short term profits; because we hope the various representative organizations that have demonstrated great potential will focus on the long term ideals and show the real meaning of collective involvement. In doing so, we hope to generate the most substantial and most abundant reward, thus making Taipei Digital Art Center the base for the development of the emerging digital contents industry and culture.........