The Fluffy Mommy!

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Domestic Engineer! :)
Location Size 26/28 jeans, on my couch!, California
Introduction I am a mommy, a wifey, a stay at home domesticated engineer, a daughter, a granddaughter, a great granddaughter, an aunt x 10, a cousin, a sister, a friend, a food junkie, a budget shopper, a procrastinator, a wanna be crafter, a home-made sugar/salt scrub maker, a maid, a chef, a baker, a yard seller, a clearance rack shopper, a team mom, a classroom mom, a babysitter, a peace maker, and a checkbook balancer. Most of all, I am me, what'cha read is what'cha get. Enjoy!
Interests My kiddo's, my hubby, reading, movies, music, decorating and re-decorating my new house, shopping, shopping, shopping.
Favorite Movies Sweet Home Alabama, A Walk To Remember, Bride Wars, He's Just Not That Into You, Clueless, Sugar and Spice, and stupid girly movie or romantic comedy really!
Favorite Music Love music, can't choose favorite's I love too much.
Favorite Books More like favorite authors: Meg Cabot Stephanie Meyer Jodi Picoult Nicolas Sparks David Pelzer Sophie Kinsella Madeline Wickam Lauren Weisberger Emily Giffin Jennifer Weiner Plum Sykes Jane Green Mitch Albom Alice Sebold

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

I would pen the musical under a surname, that way I could hold they joy in my heart of the success, but outwardly, no one would be the wiser.