About me

Location Denmark
Introduction We are a 30-something year old couple living and working in central Denmark. Just a few years ago we decided to move from Australia to Scandinavia and enjoy all the cultural treasures on offer. But as with any major change, we've had a lot of adjusting to do. We've come to realise that perhaps the cultural divide was larger than we may have first anticipated. Nowadays however, we're settling in and enjoying our day-to-day lives in a very special part of the world. The winters can be dark and arduous, but when the sun appears again we like nothing more than to trawl the open-air flea markets and enjoy a day out with the sun on our faces. 'Byzantika' is a concept we imagined in which we can bring you some of those rare treasures and chic bargains that we've stumbled upon. This blog serves to keep you up to speed with our latest finds, raves and purchases. We hope you come back often!