
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Location Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
Introduction So Why Blog?: When it came to my food, people kept saying to me “may I have the recipe for this?” or “I can’t eat this, you should photograph that”, well... I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my inner yearnings but I knew I had to do something. After having my son & being an at home mum, I dusted off our unused Canon Digital SLR 450D & put it to work on my next loaf of banana bread. I promptly wrote a recipe card on the computer & voila! I seemed to have the makings of a personal cookbook. It wasn’t until a holiday a few months later with my sister that she suggested that I create a blog. I had a number of recipes ready to go, so why not! It has turned out to be a great outlet for my creativity & become a great love of mine. I never thought I would enjoy “blogging” so much, but here I am.