
My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a Mom of 5 kids, and a wife to a wonderful husband for 29 years. Paul is 26 and married to a wonderful girl that we feel so proud of calling her our daughter in law, Ashley. They have a gorgeous little girl, our first granddaughter, Caroline. Kevin is 21, an opera student at the local University, and we enjoy having him still at home. (cheaper for him and we get to enjoy him a little longer at home) Both boys served missions for our church at the age of 19, for 2 years. Jennifer is 10 and she is our sunshine in the family. She loves to dance, which she is doing since she was 3 years old. Astrid is 20 month and she is a breath of fresh air in our little family. Paul and Kevin came to us biologically, Jennifer and Astrid came through adoption to us. Then we have Athena who is 21 and lived with us for 4 years, through foster care. She now is married to a great guy named Ryan (the handyman ; )), they have a beautiful little boy named Liam a month older then Astrid, and in June Athena is expecting an other little boy. We are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of later day Saints. We moved 16 years ago from Holland to Canada, and we are loving it here!!!