
My blogs

About me

Introduction Hi, my name is Chris Morgan aka Papajubs. I am an avid fantasy and science fiction fan and love playing table top wargaming and the occasional RPing game if I find non-dumbass RPers. My main tabletop hobby is Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k, along with many of their respected subcategory specialist games. I play Orks for 40k and Empire and Dwarfs for fantasy so as you can probably guess, i am a big fan of the dakka dakka in both game systems. I live in Southern California, in a little city called Huntington Beach, which is 20 minutes away from the fabled Games Workshop Battle Bunker. I am 22 years old and currently finishing up my stay at Orange Coast Community College where I will move on to Cal State Long Beach next fall to finish up my bachelors degree in Computer Programming. Hopefully you had enough fun reading this background to decide to add me on your friend list. See you on the battlefields!!!