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About me

Gender Female
Industry Business Services
Occupation Legal and Scientific translations, Enhancing language learning competence, Editing BA/MA thesis papers
Location Tel Aviv, Israel
Introduction Translation is never word by word. It is about ideas. And languages have their own myriad idiosyncratic and enchanting ways of translating ideas into words. Translation is also about interpretation, of the original text and its underlying associations, linguistic and others alike. Life is not something we only live. We interpret life as we live and live our own idiosyncratic interpretation of all types of information we are subjected to, bombarded with. While at it, our own idiosyncratic, enchanting and mysterious LIFE is being woven unfolding through our interpretation, action and omission, thinking and dreaming, feeling and wishing, each given second for as long as it goes on. We are artists and scientists of our own lives and interpretation, rational and miraculously insightful, logical and intuitive, pursuing a life more sensible, more livable, more embracing, more enlightened and more benevolent. ThEsisPlus is a platform offered for airing and exploring us, elements from which the fabric of our life is made, this with the hope in mind, of making our GLOBAL HOME a better place for us all to live in security, peace, dignity, personal growth, friendship and love.
Interests PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE, and their genius creations from the Beginning of Time, including: Law, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, all forms of Art and Science as the major models of recognizing and living to the fullest our world and everything that's in it, in ourselves; With this unstoppable aspiration of contributing towards making OUR ONE N SMALL WORLD THAT WE SHARE IN COMMON - A REAL HOME FOR EACH AND EVERYONE OF US..... and the emphasis is on: MAKING IT A HOME FOR ALL(:
Favorite Movies Fanny and Alexander, Wolf Trilogy, Cries and Whispers, Automn Sonata, Il Postino, the Birds, Psyco, the Sounds of Music, Ben Hurr, Gone with the wind, The Wall/Pink Floyd, Beatiful People about the Kalahari Desert, Fantasia, A day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Dr. Zhivago, Schindler's List, SHOAH/Claude Lantzmann, Life is Beautiful/Roberto Begnini, Madame Toulemonde, Departures, When Harry met Sally
Favorite Music Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Bizett, Verdi, Grieg, Jan Sibelius, Smetana, Tchaikowsky, Rimsky Korsakov, Elvis Presley, Freddy Mercury n Queen, Sarah Brightman & Fernando Lima in La Pasion, Andrea Boccelli, Il Divo's Hallelujah and others, Zamphyr, James Golloway Irish Step Dance Music, Barbara Streisand especially "Memory" from Lloyd Webber's "Cats", the Alan Parsons Project, just magnificent, Kitaro, Vangelis and his divine music, especially the unforgettable theme of the film "Exodus" starring Paul Newman, Mercedes Sosa, Keren Peles, Knessiyat Hasekhel, Rami Kleinstein, Rita, Yves Montand, Jo Dassin, Dalida, Abba, John Lennon n the Beatles
Favorite Books The Tao of Physics, The Alchemist, the 4 Agreements, the Giant from Within, the structure of magic, the Brain has its own Head, The Naked Brain, on Baruch Shpinoza by Prof. Yovel, Positive Compromise, Mahatma Gandhi'the story of my experiments with truth", Stephen Hawking's SHortened History of TIme and Black Holes, The Game of Life, Chomsky's Mind and Language, Se questo e un uomo? & Il sistema periodico/Primo Levy, Dewey (the story of the World's most famous Cat), The Book of Dao, Naked Soul, the Blank Slate/Steven Pinker, the Legacy of Reizel Kaidish, The Heart of the Mind, Leaves before the Wind, The art of the Impossible