RR Mama

About me

Introduction This is the story of me trying to live my life as a working mother while trying to keep some sort of balance between home and the many hours of baseball games, practices, and lessons all while looking like I just stepped out of a magazine shoot. Just kidding. I have been married to a wonderful man who is also my best friend since September 1997. We have two boys R1 & R2. I love my family, they mean the world to me and I would do anything for them. I also LOVE baseball. I am always so excited when the season begins and completely lost when it ends. I love to cheer, or should I say scream, for my boys. The Houston Astros are my favorite team. I grew up in Houston. I love living in Texas and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Fixin’ to and y’all are part of my every day vocabulary. My family is a huge part of who I am. If I can get being a wife and mother right, then God is truly doing something great with me. I pray daily for His grace and guidance in this journey I am on. Well this is me. Feel free to hang out and read about my sometimes CrAzY life.