
About me

Introduction I recently came upon a blog by this right-wing hack named John Lott and have had quite a lot of fun puncturing the fraudulent "analysis" on his blog. He posts comments pretty selectively, preferring to stir controversy rather than debating the facts, and he does cowardly things like issue challenges and then refuse to post responses. Since I've shown him to be a fraud a few too many times, he probably won't be posting any more of my comments. Aww, poor me. No, I don't expect this to get much readership. If anything, I'll probably get hate-mail from some of Lott's nut-job fraudience. But here's the thing: I can take it; Lott's too much of a coward to face his critics. I won't be posting here daily. I'm not planning on spending that much of my time on this, although, ironically, it will probably be more time than Lott spends on his own, judging by the lame analysis and sloppy reasoning he posts. But since Lott can't face my criticism on his blog, I'll be posting it here.