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Introduction جام جم بخش انگلیسی خویش را نیز برای دوستان انگلیسی زبان خود افتتاح نمود. نشانی آن است: jamshidscup.blogspot.com Ҷоми Ҷам бахши инглисии торнигорро низ барои дӯстони инглисӣ-забони худ ифтитоҳ намуд. Нишонии он аст: jamshidscup.blogspot.com The Cup of Jamshid is the English-language version of Jaam-e Jam, which is in Persian. For now I will be translating all the old publications from the Persian version and put them here. I will also note the date that it was originally published. The Persian version's link is: jaamjam.blogspot.com The Cup of Jamshid refers to a cup of divination which, in Persian mythology, was long possessed by the rulers of ancient Iran. The Cup of Jamshid has been the subject of many Persian poems and stories. Many authors ascribed the success of the Iranian (Persian) Empire to the possession of this artefact.