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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Writer, Permaculturist
Location Mdote Minisota, TeBF Biome, Oak Savanna, United States
Introduction I am obsessed with trying to find the roots of the dominator culture; why did it happen? What do we mutate to stop it? I like to study consciousness, from all possible angles: scientific, spiritual, artistic, emotional, psychological, historical and evolutionary. I believe the universe ourself is conscious, all beings and matter having a form of sentience. I am enthralled with DNA; the body of our common organism, and how we all integrate as Gaia. I am honored to be a part of Her. I must live in the way that is right for a terrestrial being- in balance with all my relations. I must help the ones who have become lost and led astray to remember their role as part of our great artistic collaboration of the evolution of life, love, and existence itself.
Interests reading, drawing, writing, herbalism, and the uses of plants, homesteading, Gaia, rewilding, ecosystem restoration, and preservation, trainhopping, nonconsumerism, -living without consumerism and ultimately without money (I believe it is stolen life force), bicycling, archetypes, geology, poetry, memetics, entheogens, crafting, with fabric and metal, permaculture, natural building, organic gardening, biodynamic gardening, devic gardening, archeology, ecovillages, anthropology, anti-civ, anti-civilization, anarchy, green anarchy, primitivism, panspermia, evolution, philosophy, mermaids, natural childbirth, attachment parenting, unschooling, quantum physics, biology, genetics, etymology, ley lines, hobo-ing, traveling, freeganism, pansexuality, cosmology, and other stuff. I also like getting involved with and starting my own projects, and teaching what I know.
Favorite Movies The Future of Food
Favorite Music My friends, Jolie Holland, Inkwell Rhythm Makers, Immortal Technique, Loreena McKennet
Favorite Books this will have to be completed in installments- here's what I can come up with immediately. (Reading now: Columbus and Other Cannibals by Jack Forbes), Columbus and Other Cannibals by Jack Forbes, Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarisa Pinkola Estes, Man and His Symbols by Jung, Endgame by Derrick Jensen, Saharasia by James DeMeo, Spiritual Evolution and the Breakthrough of Human Consciousness by Joseph Chilton Pearce, The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce, Magical Child by Joseph Chilton Pearce, Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway, Edible Forest Gardens by Dave Jacke, In the Absence of the Sacred by Jerry Mander, Against His-Story Against Leviathan by Fredy Perlman, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna, The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby, The Double Flame by Octavio Paz, Where the Lightning Strikes by Peter Nabokov, The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light by William Irwin Thompson, The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler, The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto, Against Civilization by John Zerzan, Permaculture A Designer's Manual by Bill Mollison, Creating a Life Together by Diana Leafe Christian, Billy Bones by Christopher Lincoln, (more to come)