Paget's Blog
My blogs
Introduction | My name is Paget Anne of Essendon [Paget Hillebrand ©] LAc, PhD. Welcome to my blogsite. We will explore unique, alternative healing modalities and various points of view on controversial topics such as 5G & vaccines. We will also venture interdimensionally and do some “ghost busting”. I hope the articles whet your appetite to research further. Please also Like my facebook page AuthenticSelf Acupuncture & Beyond & my Youtube channel at Thank-you. Now, go, anchor the Light. Hwa! |
Interests | I am interested in seeing you use a land line, use ether cable for internet, leave your cell phone at home, experience IV vitamin C if you have the enzyme, read long ago published books, investigate Restore, and ask your doctor questions when they make statements. Ask for the study behind their statement that proves it. |
Conscious consumers can make a difference. Regarding the 5G attack, GMO attack and other attacks...What are you going to do?