Alex O

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About me

Gender Female
Location Auckland, New Zealand
Introduction I live in New Zealand and I have a family of three. My husband my son and I. I love to craft, hang out with friends, renovate my house, travel whenever possible, enjoy life and occasionallly cook! I took up sewing to make things for my son, soon I was creating birthday presents for other children and friends. Then people started offering to pay me to make them designs. In February 2011 "Adventures of Alex O & Co" started to come to life. I took six months to work out what products I wanted to use and what I wanted to design and make. I had my first market stall in July 2011 and I have never looked back. I love to work with recycled blankets and wool felt. When I first started all my applique was hand sewn (I was a real purist). As I have got busier this has become impossible. So now I combine sewing machine and hand sewing to my applique. I am drawn to detail but at the same time I love simple designs. Therefore my work is a mixture of both. I try to make all my creations beautiful to the eye. PS: Should you wish to contact me my email address is:
Interests Hand Sewing, Art, House Renovation, Walking in the Sunshine. Hanging out with friends and family.
Favorite Books Books by JR Ward

A wonderful Cherokee Proverb " Dont let yesterday use up too much of today".