Адам Ѳldrē

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Metalsmithing/ commercial painting
Location La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States
Introduction I fabricate sculptural objects and jewelry from reclaimed materials (most often copper or brass). Works are also made using reclaimed, manipulated or modified tools, since I am a fan of recycling, up-cycling, re-purposing and the like. My work is lead by intuition and the struggle to find new ways to refine my methods of manipulating materials. Actions versus reactions create pathways and reveal opportunities to learn more about what certain materials can or cannot do. I switch gears from sculpture to jewelry and vice-versa to clear my head and also to explore new ideas. I am currently focused on sculptural vessels that satisfy my craving to be able to transform sheets of metal into more complex and aesthetically pleasing art forms that incorporate a sense of utility and an illusion of density. With each strike of the hammer, I alter the manner in which the metal exists in space. Each tool selected for use has a specific quality or feature that is required to transform the piece to my liking, to align the elements of shape, texture, color and space with the principles of balance, rhythm, variety and harmony.
Interests Metal forming and fabrication, Mechanical devices and principles, Manipulating reclaimed materials. Bicycles, motorcycles, alternative types of transportation, quality shoes, music
Favorite Movies Wreck it Ralph, Fight Club, Wish I Was Here, ...
Favorite Music Malajube, The Last Revel, Woodkid, Pink Floyd, Tame Impala, London Grammar, Howard Shore, etc...