Amateur radio and related matters by G8VVY

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Location United Kingdom
Introduction My father was my mentor - G4MRV (SK) - and kindled my interest in radio both as a short wave listener and then into amateur radio. He was the clever one, homebrewing Louis Varney's (G5RV) AM 'Elizabethan' transmitter; a signal generator; an oscilloscope and CR tester .. amongst others. I started radio with a galena crystal set then the 'Gillette Blue' razor blade receiver and my early commercial receivers were the R1155; CR100, (which my Dad rebuilt) and Heathkit RA-1. Two school chums and myself - all keen SWL'ers and now keen to get into amateur radio - started a radio club in one corner of the physics lab and we were given a National HRO - with a number of plug-in coilsets - to start us off. The radio model control company that I worked for in my early 20s was very small - only 2 of us full time, myself and the founder - and the gentleman who started it was an amateur radio enthusiast. The Company directors of the flow-metering 'umbrella' company were both keen radio amateurs. So, the hobby was all around me from a very early age.