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About me

Gender Female
Location Chattanooga, TN, United States
Introduction Joe and I have been happily married for 12 yrs now. We met while working at Toys R Us. Thankfully he decided to go to school at UTC or we never would have met. Strange how everything happens for a reason! We were friends for a year and a half before we started dating. It was rocky at first but what does not kill us makes us stronger. In December 2001 Joe proposed to me. Nothing fancy or elegant, but sweet and sincere. Then the following May we were married. a beautiful outdoor wedding and reception at the Dent house marked our lives as together forever. Our theme was Friendship: "This Day I will Marry My Friend, the One I laugh with, Live for, Dream With, LOVE". We spent our first nights as Husband and Wife in a cute little bed and breakfast on Lookout Mountain. He started working at US Xpress that summer of 2002, where he is still employeed. And I started working at The Partnership for Families, Children and Adults in the summer of 2003. I became a stay at home mother in 2006. Joe graduated from UTC with a degree in HR and Business and I with a degree in Social Work. We have since re-newed our Wedding vows in 2004 when Joe went through RCIA to become Catholic.