Oleole Family

About me

Introduction I am destined to have boys in my live. I have three boys and twin boys on the way. I love having boys!!! They are so much fun, occasionally the testosterone level gets to high and I have to have my girl time. But most of the time we are to busy laughing and being silly for me to notice that I am the only female in the house. I enjoy being adventurous. I love taking my sons longboarding down our street. Their philosophy is..."the faster the better". I used to love cliff jumping/diving, surfing and doing crazy things. Now I am to worried about my children and their injuries to put my life in too much danger. There are those times I take my sons on adventures that are not the safest and we usually have a great time without anyone getting hurt. I love being with my boys, they are full of life and happiness. They bring me joy and make me laugh regularly. They remind me not to take life so seriously all the time. I truly believe it is all about who you are with and not what you are doing. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride!!!
Interests Kupaa, Isaac, Daniel, extended family, friends, spirituality, scrapbooking, serving, sunshine, surfing, swimming, Hawaii, outdoors, camping, hiking, longboarding, photography, music, relaxing