Dr Jack Ross

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Writer / Editor / Lecturer
Location Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Introduction I've published several poetry collections - including Chantal's Book (2002), Celanie (2012), A Clearer View of the Hinterland (2014) and The Oceanic Feeling (2021) - as well as a number of works of fiction: among them The Annotated Tree Worship (highly commended in the 2018 NZSA Heritage Book Awards), Ghost Stories (2019), and Haunts (2024). I've also edited numerous books, anthologies and literary journals, incIuding Landfall and Poetry New Zealand. In 2022 I retired from my job teaching at Massey University to pursue my other interests full-time.
Interests Poetry, SF, Movies, Travel, Book-collecting
Favorite Movies Groundhog Day, Stalker, Blade Runner, Metropolis, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Watchmen, Spirited Away, Wonder Boys, Drive My Car
Favorite Music J. S. Bach: The St Matthew Passion, Mozart: The Magic Flute, Handel: Semele, Karol Szymanowski: Stabat Mater
Favorite Books Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji, Apuleius: The Golden Ass, Cao Xue Qin: The Red Chamber Dream, The 1001 Nights