The Fraud Files of Katie Lynn Birchard

My blogs

About me

Location United Kingdom
Introduction UPDATE: Katie Lynn Birchard is now considered a Fugitive From Justice, with an active Warrant for her Arrest. Birchard (Hala Pickford) has spent the better part of 5 years spreading hate, deception, mis-information & scandal, hiding behind blogs & websites. Many of these are in "anonymous" form to avoid repercussions in a court of law, but can easily be traced back to her given a small amount of research.

We make every attempt to provide clear, accurate, sourced information regarding Katie Lynn Birchard & her MANY aliases. Much of what you read is coming from Ms. Birchard herself & is provided here as a reference. If you have photos or information you'd like to share, please send it to:

Your name and contact information will NOT be used publicly.