Live Music Palm Beach

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About me

Introduction My name is Arielle. I started this blog for my multimedia journalism class that I am taking at Florida Atlantic University. I am in my last year and the thought of graduation is so bitter sweet. When I graduate, I will search for a job doing anything in the entertainment business, hopefully pertaining to music. If I can't find a job, I'll probably end up in grad school, since schooling is all I know. I live in Jupiter, FL where the only thing to do besides school and work, is the beach and find trouble. I decided to blog about live concerts in Palm Beach County because it gives us something different to do for a change. It also makes any fan or music lover appreciate the art and hard work our idols put into their skill even more. Please feel free to comment and post on my blog, I will try my hardest to keep it up to date!
Interests Music is the soundtrack to my life