peppylady (Dora)

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Human Resources
Occupation domestic enginering
Location Naples, North Idaho, United States
Introduction Welcome to my blog. I'm far from prefect and you need not be either. My blog is my blog and I post what every I want and when every I want, visit who every blog I feel like. I don't need to be involved in clicks. But I promise to always be honest on my blog even if it means exposing my own self. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent but all facts are true. Yes, they may be time I may be talking about you or someone else. So please don't lose any sleep over it because I wouldn't tell you if I were or weren't. I have quite a few interest and so my posting will be of variety of subjects. My opinion rules above all else. I'm married and we have two sons that left the nest living life. One cat Abner. As your visiting here. I have no control on how you may react. All comment are welcome here except those who are into exploit others, being vindictive, and leaving spam. But all other are welcome even if you don't agree with me. Welcome to my insane world.
Interests Everything
Favorite Music rock n roll mostly.
Favorite Books Most are ok. But none are great in my book.

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

Me lazy! What kind of question is that. I'm either suffer from add or I 'm not organized depends what sitting the moons in.