My blogs

About me

Location Portland, Oregon
Introduction I'm Kelsey from Portland, Oregon. I'm currently living in Mto wa Mbu, Tanzania where I'm volunteering for the Red Sweater Project. I started this blog for everyone back home to keep tabs on me and to force myself to write about my experience. Why Mutombo? It's a long story, but the short version is that Mutombo has become a term of endearment amongst my closest friends; it's synonymous with community - with family. When I found out that I would be living in a town that sounds so similar to the word (i.e. mmmtwomboo), it just seemed fitting. The hardest part about leaving my life was leaving behind my community. I'm hoping to find a new one here.
Interests Massages. Dancing. SCUBA. Sailing. Travel. Ferris Wheels.