
About me

Gender Female
Occupation Pluggish
Location Sweden
Interests Läsa bloggar, Kolla på filmer, Dricka vin på söder, Röka ciggaretter när jag pratar i telefon, Försöka plugga, Drömma om resor, Prata med människor
Favorite Movies Donnie Darko, Pleasantville, American Beauty, When Will I be Loved, The Shape of Things, Eyes Wide Shut, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1+2, Desperado, (Ja Tarantino är genialisk), Fight Club, Life Aquatic, Shawshank Redemption, The Rules of Attraction, I Heart Huckabees, The Weatherman, X-Men filmerna, MI -filmerna, Star Wars, The Usual Suspects, Libertine
Favorite Music Madonna, Dr. Alban, Gnarls Barkley, Le Tigre, Michael Jackson, Faithless, Snook, Aretha Franklin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, System of A Down, Tool, Stevie Wonder, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Santana, Joan Osborne, Timberland, James Brown, Faithless, Hotel Costes, Gypsy Kings, Alice in Chains, Black Eyed Peas, Creed, Incubus, PJ Harvey, St. Germain, String Quartet Tribute mfl.
Favorite Books Vit Oleander, On The Road.

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

The pressure of making another hit. Ju.