
My blogs

About me

Introduction I actualy have two blogs, my "stanleyinparis" blogs are mostly anti-Trump blogs; However it seems to me lately that people are getting tired of Trump on various medias, except for the weak-minded people, There will be no more posts added to my ''stanleyinparis' blog; Reason for this, is that Trump is toast anyway. I will still be posting to my 'mouseballus' blog which is always Trump-free.What I mean about weak-minded people are the QAnon,Proud Boys and The Oath keepers that always live in a fantasy world. They surely need help. NOTE: I will sometimes make exceptions for posting.
Interests Bicycling, cooking, blogging, doing math, playing chess (novice), wathing movies, tv shows, collecting autographs.
Favorite Movies Any movie has long as they have famous females in them, however when it says graphic or gory violence I pass it up.
Favorite Music All genres, except for Opera and Gangsta Rap.