Webb Sloane

About me

Introduction Just to clear up any confusion, my name is Webb Sloane but friends call me Komrade Karl. To my friends, my first name is Komrade (it is not a title) and my last name is Karl. I am an astute observer of modern American politics. My keen insight, hard hitting commentary, and solid arguments are based upon grass roots beliefs and "middle of the road" common sense. As a netroot progressive Democrat, I speak truth to power. As all true middle of the road Democrats, who are the ones who really hold the power at the DNC, I am a Vegan Ecowarrior. I indulge in aromatherapy with a prescription for my Canadian glaucoma medication. I have an advanced degree in Human Economics with a minor in Handmade Bead-work and Wealth Redistribution.
Interests Workers rights, higher taxes, more abortions, Gaia, legalized glaucoma medication, universal Socialism, unilateral disarmament.
Favorite Movies The Grapes of Wrath, An Inconvenient Truth, Fahrenheit 911, Inherit the Wind, JFK, Bob Roberts, An Unreasonable Man, Fern Gulley, Testament, On the Beach, Norma Rae, Planet of the Apes, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and The Media
Favorite Music Waitin' for the World to Change, Koombyah, Imagine
Favorite Books It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us, The Politics of Rich and Poor: Wealth and the American Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath, Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, Downsize This!, The Great Limbaugh Con (and Other Right-Wing Assaults on Common Sense), Gathering Storm, Were Right - They're Wrong, What's Left, Eyes Right: Challenging the Right Wing Backlash, The Handmaid's Tale