My blogs
Gender | Female |
Industry | Communications or Media |
Location | Jersey, United States |
Interests | movies, cooking, food safaris and dare eating, guitar hero, snowboarding, playing piano, boxing, thrifting, trying to be DIY |
Favorite Movies | le cercle rouge, to live, double indemnity, miller's crossing, big lebowski, vertigo, slaves of new york, after hours, tears of the black tiger, old boy, shaw brothers, jim jarmusch, hal hartley |
Favorite Music | the streets, the walkmen, tom waits, the pogues, shane macgowan, nick cave, the clash, the pixies, black sabbath, desmond dekker, rocket from the crypt, the good the bad and the queen, the wedding present |
Favorite Books | dashiell hammett, raymond chandler, jim thompson, james m. cain, nabokov, bukowski, fitzgerald |
You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?
the milkshake likes it, the little slut!