Pete Langlois

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Occupation VMware Engineer, SAN Admin, Sr. Sys Admin
Location Derry, New Hampshire, United States
Introduction I am a systems administrator in the financial sector. I specialize in VMWare, various SAN vendors, and Microsoft servers. I have a loving wife and a very active son and an adorable daughter. We also have a rat terrier that we got from our great breeder Jen at Harris Rat Terriers. In my spare time I love taking pictures of military and civilian aircraft(at air shows or just at an airport), waterfalls, hot air balloon festivals and rallies, nature and landscapes.
Interests Astronomy, Family, Cars, travel, technology, home theater, photography, digital photography, hot air ballooning, air shows
Favorite Movies Star Wars Trilogies, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Back to the Future Trilogy, Men in Black series, Independence Day, Stargate, Disney Animated Movies...
Favorite Music Metallica, Motley Crue, Disturbed, Puddle of Mudd, Nickelback, Buckcherry, Pantera, Dr Dre., Snoop Dogg, basically lots of stuff.
Favorite Books Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles, Frederick Pohl's Ender's Series, Science Fiction, haven't read a book in a long time